Monthly Archives: January 2005

Man lû vin achenitham?

For God’s sake, don’t do it. It will haunt you for the rest of your life. No amount of titanium or carbon fiber will salve your wounds. You will be destined to wander the earth, or at least Ebay, searching for that which was lost. And your name shall be accursed.

This is what I …

Just fish

I noticed that this page has been getting a lot of visits as the result of people searching for “ishiguro family supper explain” or something like that. Unfortunately, all I have are unhelpful links to a basic reading quiz and the story itself.

The best thing to do is go read the story again and …

My first computer

An Atari 800XL. Had a 1050 hard drive that was slow even then and only gave us single-sided “enhanced” density. We turned off verification to double the speed and cut a second notch in our floppies to double storage capacity. Saved up a year to get an XM301 modem for $40 and then the Silver

Insane temperatures

Without the straitjacket on it is cold cold cold.…

An imaginary conversation I had

Everywhere else, the more you say the better. But here, the less you say the cooler you are.

So that would make me … ?

Yeah, you’re pretty cool. But your dad—he’s off the charts.…

A repository for stored memories or information

I’m moving to WordPress for this journal. What this means is that the current database will only hold entries starting in this year of our Lord 2005.

Nearly everything else has been put into my mostly unformatted archive, which has entries going back to 1996. Unfortunately, I didn’t keep archives before then but I would …

Take my picture

At the beginning of the New Year, my brother got engaged on Waikiki Beach. We had something like three cameras there to record the moment, as well as a professional photographer on hand (although she was the fiancee to be). All this preparation perhaps because of past mishaps such as my high school graduation photos. …


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