Monthly Archives: July 2007


My first trip to the zoo today. I especially liked the trees.…

Must see the boy

A digital picture frame for my internetlandlocked mother. Maybe some memory to go with it……

Boy kept a rollin'

I was able to roll from my back to my stomach today. Right now, I mostly go left.…

Hanshi, it took so long to find you…

I spot him in the Longs Drugs off of Waialae Avenue. Bespectacled and wearing a Missouri Review t-shirt that sticks out like a flare in the night sky. This man purchasing a loaf of bread and two-liter Pepsi, methinks, has the look of a poet. I run into the street and call out his name—…

They’re for the baby!

Google Adsense paired my last entry with ads for adult diapers and incontinence products.…

Amazon diaper links

I find myself buying a lot of diapers and wipes.…