Monthly Archives: July 2006


5.0 magnitude earthquake today makes me think not of running away but rather of riding the tsunami to Valhalla.…

A hurricane calls my name

Hurricane Daniel is set to brush by the Big Island this weekend. This means overhead waves for us. I hope that, while I’m floating in the electric ocean, I don’t forget to pick up my parents from the airport.…

Spreading like wildfire

The siblings know……


This is the little corner in the back. I’ve never been so excited about a water hose.

Like glass

This was my first day of real surfing this summer.…

Start the juggernaut

So within one day, I get an email with locations scouted and pictures taken.…

The bare necessities

Sitting out back letting the surfboard dry. In the refrigerator, I have a case of Coke, a case of beer, and a case of bottled water. I usually drink them in that order during the day.

Look outside

This is the view outside my front door. A little zip line would be ideal to get to lunch quicker, though.