Monthly Archives: April 2005

Like an undertaker

I received another one of those “my hard drive crashed!” emails. April truly is the cruelest month.…

Fresh install

One of my colleagues recently had her hard drive crash and the desperate “help me!” email I received (and my mostly helpless reply) convinced me to back up my own files.

I haven’t made backups since January 30, 2004, and I decided this week might be a good time to do so. I tried to …


This would all be much easier if I had a map.…

The sickness

In the last 24 hours, I have ordered two notebooks from Dell. All due to this site. Thank God I have a grant.…


“Our life is frittered away by detail. … Simplify, simplify.” —Henry David Thoreau…

Far from the madding crowd

A nice quiet day. Going now to drink free beer.…

Return of the real

This is to remind you the last time a photo was taken of you and your brother standing on the beach, the sunset was so incredible that it looked fake. “Pull down the Jimmy Buffet wallpaper and sprinkle some sand around their feet…”…

This is the sea

The National Endowment for the Humanities is paying for me to go to Hawaii. See you later, chumps! Oh wait … I’m not leaving for a while.…