Monthly Archives: June 2007

Rise of the Silver Snoozer

I went to my first movie tonight. It was a drive-in movie since I still don’t like the volume levels of indoor theaters. Unfortunately, the film was “The Fantastic Four” which put me to sleep.…


Went for my first swim today in the college pool.…

First laugh

I went to the doctor today for my checkup and one of his questions was whether I could laugh yet. My parents answered “not yet.” When we got home, one of the first things I did was laugh when my said “Ba” over and over.…

First plane ride!

I’m flying out to Arizona to visit my maternal grandparents, great-grandmother, uncle and aunt. Also, I’ll meet my cousin Josh for the first time! He was born a month after me so we have a lot in common already.…


My brother is visiting for my birthday. He and the boy helped me grill some steaks and then we relaxed for a while. A good day.…

Uncle visit

My uncle Viet visits me this weekend. It’s also my Ba’s birthday! I think we might just try to relax and soak up the sun on the porch.…