Notes from a misanthrope

The Almighty Baby Excuse–now I know I am not alone.…

We Are

We are the ones who order through the drive-thru but eat in the parking lot.
We are the ones who watch the same video each day on break.
We are the ones who don’t sit in the air conditioning.…


My shoulders will be muscular for the next three days.…


And in the summer, there was the promise of surf.…

Wild side

I do not write my account number on payment checks!…


Intel I7 860, 8 GB RAM, Radeon HD 4670, 128 GB SSD plus 1 TB backup. Had this since November 2009. Time for an upgrade?…

EMT Training

“How many people here have seen an amputation? Raise your hands.”

I consider pulling my hand inside my sleeve and raising it up in phantom pain but think better of it.…

Fevrier Mon Amour

However, there is one wonderful thing about February. And I have found that adding “mon amour” to any title helps to make it sound more interesting. Although I’m sure it will soon become tiresome enough……

Hanshi, it took so long to find you

Happy Belated Birthday, Hanshi!

Open your gifts one at a time

Another round of Christmas travels have convinced us to stay home next year!…