A brief fiction

Back in the old days, I would pack for vacation and discover I didn’t have enough clean underwear to last the trip. In addition, I convinced myself I didn’t have enough time to run to the laundromat. Instead, I would go to Wal-Mart and purchase a pack of Fruit of the Loom boxer briefs and throw them in the duffel.

Over time, I amassed a large collection of briefs this way. Last year during my big move, when I had shipped most of my clothing to my new place, I was able to keep enough pairs behind with me so that I could wear each one to work during the day and then throw it out when done.

Today, I am only a few steps away from my own washer/dryer and will be doing laundry before departure—but decided to buy a pack of FTLs just to complete the pre-trip ritual.

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